You can eradicate polio
You can feed the hungry
You can improve Maidenhead
Because you can get involved
with Rotary in Maidenhead
There are three very active Rotary Clubs in Maidenhead, as well as a Rotaract Club for 18-30 year olds; all offering a wide variety of social and fundraising events, and opportunities for their members.
Rotary International is a worldwide organisation of men and women who volunteer their time and talents to serve their communities at home and overseas. Each club operates independently, but under the common banner of helping those in need and working towards world understanding and peace. Members can get involved in as much, or as little as their time will allow.
Club meetings are held on a weekly basis, or bi-weekly in the case of the Rotary Club of Maidenhead Bridge, Maidenhead Thames and Rotaract, which allows members to establish firm friendships within the club. Not only that but every Rotarian and Rotaractor is able to attend any club meeting in the world – so there is always somewhere to go, and people to meet, wherever business or personal travel may take you.
Members of Rotary in Maidenhead use their vocational skills to serve their local communities with a range of projects. With each member contributing their time and expertise, it is truly amazing what can be achieved to make a difference to someone, somewhere, somehow and we have a lot of fun doing it.
Rotary in Maidenhead is engaged in eradicating Polio, promoting peace, feeding the hungry and supporting the local community.
Be part of something amazing and...
change the world we live in